Watercolor events and exhibitions not to be missed in France

France is a country with a long artistic tradition, especially when it comes to watercolor painting. If you are a watercolor lover or an artist who wants to discover the latest trends and the best artists, here is a list of events and exhibitions not to be missed in France.

– Salon International de l’Aquarelle: The Salon International de l’Aquarelle takes place every year in May at the town hall of Aiguillon, in the southwest of France. It is one of the most important watercolor events in France, with exhibitions, workshops and conferences.

– Festival International de l’Aquarelle de Brioude: The Festival International de l’Aquarelle de Brioude is an annual event that takes place in July in the town of Brioude, in the Auvergne region. It is known for its quality exhibitions and workshops led by renowned artists.

– Exhibition “Aquarellistes en liberté” : “Aquarellistes en liberté” is an annual exhibition organized by the French Watercolor Society which highlights the works of its members. The exhibition moves every year in different cities of France.

– Salon National de l’Aquarelle : The Salon National de l’Aquarelle is organized every year in September at the Espace André Malraux in Claye-Souilly, near Paris. It is a major watercolor event in France, with quality exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations.

– Exhibition “Aquarellistes en Nord” : “Aquarellistes en Nord” is an exhibition that takes place every year in November at the Espace Culturel Saint-Pierre in Calais. It presents the works of renowned regional and national watercolorists.

– Salon des Arts de l’Eau : The Salon des Arts de l’Eau is an annual event held at the Maison de la Culture of the city of Namur, in Belgium, but which also attracts many artists and watercolor enthusiasts from France. It is dedicated to watercolor, but also to other art techniques related to water, such as photography.

– Exhibition “Aquarelles en Périgord” : “Aquarelles en Périgord” is an annual exhibition organized by the Fine Arts Society of Périgueux. It highlights the works of regional and national watercolorists and is usually held in November.

In conclusion, France offers many watercolor events and exhibitions throughout the year. Whether you are an art lover or an artist looking for inspiration, these events will allow you to discover remarkable works and meet passionate artists.

> You can find more techniques and tips here: https://maritounettedessin.fr/en/news/