What are the primary and complementary colors in watercolor?

The primary colors in watercolor are the three colors that cannot be created by mixing other colors together. These colors are:

– Red

– Blue

– Yellow

By combining these primary colors, you can create a wide range of secondary colors, such as green (by mixing yellow and blue), orange (by mixing yellow and red), and purple (by mixing red and blue).

The complementary colors in watercolor are pairs of colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. These pairs of colors can create a high level of contrast and vibrancy when used together. The complementary colors in watercolor include:

– Red and green

– Blue and orange

– Yellow and purple

When you use complementary colors together in a painting, they can create a sense of harmony and balance. Mixing complementary colors together can create neutral or muted tones, which can be useful for creating shadows or adding depth to your watercolor paintings.

> You can find more techniques and tips here: https://maritounettedessin.fr/en/news/