What the secondary colors are and how to use them in watercolor?

Secondary colors are colors that are created by mixing two primary colors together. There are three main secondary colors in watercolor, which are as follows:

– Green: is created by mixing yellow and blue together.

– Orange: is created by mixing red and yellow together.

– Purple: is created by mixing blue and red together.

Secondary colors are useful for adding depth and variety to your color palette. They are also useful for creating interesting color harmonies in your artwork. For example, by using a color palette of primary and secondary colors, you can create a harmonious and consistent color effect in your painting.

In addition, by using secondary colors, you can also mix complementary colors. For example, to create a shade of brown, you can mix a primary color with its complementary color. For example, by mixing blue with a small amount of orange, you can create a crinkle brown shade.

Keep in mind that secondary colors can vary depending on the shades of primary colors used. You can experiment with different shades of primary colors to create a unique color palette for your artwork.

> You can find more techniques and tips here: https://maritounettedessin.fr/en/news/